Welcome to Yutaka's Photograph Museum. Enjoy the photographs ranging from artistic objects to natural sceneries.
You don't have to install any Japanese system to see photographs; however, some pages contain Japanese characters.

Japanese Flowers 1(May)
Japanese Flowers 2(May)
Japanese Flowers 3(May)
Japanese Flowers 4(May)
Japanese Flowers 5(July)
Japanese Flowers 6(July)
5 Layer Towers(December)
Scenery of Winter(Jan. to Mar.)
Lakes in Rockie(August)
Stone Collections
Hong Kong 1
Macau 1
Hong Kong 2
Japan 1
Buchart Garden 1-1
Buchart Garden 1-2
Special Exhibition(Japanese)

Presented by YUTAKA

(Since 02.05.21)

What's New
2002/09/27 English page is added.
2002/09/08 reconstracted.
2002/05/21 created.
Test Environment
Browser:Internet Explorer 6.0
Screen Size:1024*768

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